Thursday, January 21, 2016

Phonogram - The Immaterial Girl

Mini-Series (Six Issues)
Publisher: Image
Writing: Kieron Gillen
Artist: Jamie McKelvie

I almost feel bad writing this: But I just couldn’t get into Phonogram: The Immaterial Girl. Which is sad because I love Wicked and The Divine, and Kieron Gillen’s writing on that series is the reason I picked up The Immaterial Girl.

However, this is my first exposure to the Phonogram universe. I was only passingly aware of the previous two Phonogram series, and never read them. I think that has affected me getting into this series.

I felt like I was missing something when reading the first issue. The characters were laid out in such a way I felt I should have already known them. The story seemed to pick up after some other events I know nothing about.

For whatever reason The Immaterial Girl just didn’t speak to me. I just found myself uninterested in the story being told.

The artwork however is top notch. The characters, the inking, the colors. And the layouts. The layouts are beautiful. Especially the Music Video sequences in Issue Two and Three. You could flip through the entire mini-series without any dialog and still understand the story. That is great artwork.

Great artwork, but I just couldn’t get into the story or characters. Which is sad, because I am a fan of Kieron Gillen’s writing.


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