Saturday, August 12, 2017

Burning Mind Comic Book Review: SKIN & EARTH #1 & #2

It’s odd, two weeks in a row I have chosen two new releases to read and review unaware that both were based on concepts albums I had never heard of. Last week it was Galaktikon, based on a Brendon Small album from 2012.

This week it is Skin & Earth, based upon/a companion piece to, the album Skin & Earth GIANTS by LIGHTS.

Before reading this comic I had never heard of LIGHTS. Now I know she is a singer/song-writer (and with this comic a comic creator) out of Canada.

I picked up Issue #1 when it came out last month, but it never made its way out of the bag and board. I picked up Issue #2 this past Wednesday and read both that night.

So what is Skin & Earth? Hard question to answer, as it is defiantly up to the interpretation of the reader.

It’s part straight forward narrative, part surreal and very vague. Skin & Earth follows En Jin and her life in a post apcalutic world where little is left habitable on planet Earth. En lives in the Red City, with a group of people who may be toxic to humanity (vague) and travels to the Pink Area on a student visa to attend Tempest University, while wearing a medical mask.

In these two issues we learn about En, her life, her hopes and watch as her heart gets ripped out.

Right now, Skin & Earth is about the life of En in this God Awful world she lives in, and the hope she has for more. A hope that may lead to hurt more often than not.

So what is Skin & Earth? Skin & Earth is about a young girl lost in a world not of her own making desperately searching for hope and to be found. But the question can be asked, is this book about En Jin, or about the Earth itself?

LIGHTS handles all the creative chores on this book and does it well. There are some pitfalls, but overall the creativity and talent on display overcome them. Sometimes the dialog doesn’t click and can be confusing. The art style is good, and suites the story, but sometimes seems a bit off. None of these small issues take away from what it being said though.

There is the one question I have about the book. It’s an odd one, but prevalent:
Is Skin & Earth saying something, or nothing at all?


At first Skin & Earth can feel a little too artsy, to vague, over reaching and a little fluffy. The thing is, it is also haunting and makes you think.

A Recommended read. Not quite required reading yet.

Like I did, you can found out more about Skin & Earth and about LIGHTS herself at:

There’s also a cool music video GIANTS.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Burning Mind Comic Book Review: Brendon Small's GALAKTIKON

#1 (of 6)
Written By Brendon Small (with Eric Powell)

Art by Steve Mannion

Published by Albatross Funnybooks

I just finished reading Brendon Small’s Galaktikon, coming forth from Eric Powell’s Albatross Funnybooks. Why? Because I’m a fan of a lot of Small’s work – and Eric Powell. Both are talented guys.

So, what is Galaktikon about? I’m not really sure. Hell if I know quite honestly.

To start with Steve Mannion’s art work is stylish and a little rough, but I believe that is by design. It perfectly fits the story, filled with monsters, a robot sidekick, a robotic judge, alien lawyers, a prison world (fucking zoo) and prison guards who don’t tie their shoes.

In this first issue we learn about a gentlemen called Triton – a supposed hero. A hero who is getting divorced from his wife because he sent d*#k pics to an exotic dancer on a planet named Ambrosia (I’m not making this up). Or as he puts it ‘sucks at social media.’

Turns out the hero is a real Dick (who knows, could be his real name).I mean, come on, this is a guy who – to escape pappazzi – has his ship go into full ‘DangerTits Mode.’ Yikes!

Yes, this first issue show us how much of a douche this great galactic hero is as he is getting divorced.

Brendon Small (with Eric Powell) tells a weird, off kilter story, whose strongest points are stellar dialog, and the characterization of the no-good Hero and his lawyer.

The things is, I have two problems with this first issue:

#1 I’m not sure if what I read is brilliant, or brilliant crap.

#2 I really want to read the next issue to see what happens, how much further this guy can fall and if I can figure out problem #1.

Final thoughts:
So, that said it seems like issue #1 did part of it job – I want to read more. If for no other reason than to find out if I like it.

For Brendon Small and fans of off-kilter weirdness, I would call this a must read.

Rating: 5 (May Improve with future issues.)

Special Note: After writing this review, I discovered that this mini-series is actually an adaptation of the GALAKTIKON album released by Brendon Small in 2012 (during Metalocalypse years). Somehow I missed that – but not for much longer.

The album GALAKTIKON II: Become the Storm is due out on August 25th.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

State of the Burning Mind -- The Burning Mind Returns

Welcome Comic Books Fans!

The Burning Mind is back with Volume 100,000,000,000,000,000 of the planned, sometimes, semi, occasionally, ongoing blog discussing comic books.

Forget me? Oh, well.

Never Knew me? That might be good. Who knows?

Never heard of the Burning Mind blog? Probably more my fault then yours. Let’s change that now, shall we.

Well, comic books fans, it’s been a while.

First thing I want to say is:

Second Thing:

Third Thing:
(AGAIN . . .)

So, a little history. The Burning Mind started as a column on the Comics Bulletin website ( – check them out NOW!). Then migrated over to a Blog for reasons unknown!

As I blog I tried to keep to a bi-weekly schedule, with weekly reviews of new indie comics I picked up each week. My schedule didn’t always allow that though, in fact I believe this is the first piece I have written for the blog in 2017. Maybe, I have to check.

Whether it has been for ComicsBulletin or for this Blog my thoughts on comics run the gamut on subjects, style and formats. I’ve written pieces that have been acclaimed and considered quite good, some fluff (of course) and even controversial articles (such as one on Jack Kirby which actual had a guy threaten to kill me. Yep. Happened.)

I don’t keep to any particular style and write on anything I want to that has something to do with comics. I’ve done editorial pieces, news pieces, reviews and straight out rants! In the past I have also done a series of “How To” on creating and publishing comics that remains unfinished. I should look into restarting and finishing that series.

If you didn’t know, I am a creator, have been and will be again one day, a comic book publisher as well. Also, a published writer with numerous short story credits and an indie filmmaker.

Ok, little history lesson is over. The Future.

The Future is always in Flux. I have a busy schedule coming up – but this blog is planned to be part of that. My plans for the rest of 2017 is to return to my weekly indie reviews starting this week (the first week of August), and to write at least one piece a month on something to do with Comic Books – no matter what it is! (Any ideas?!)

The Reviews will go up each Saturday. The Monthly pieces on a Wednesday.

Well, that’s it for now I think. If things change, I’ll let you know.

Wait, guess what – something changed! I remembered something as I wrote that sentence!

Social Media! I suck at social media, but am going to make a conscious effort to get better. So I will soon be launching a new Twitter and Facebook page to go along with the Burning Mind Blog. Stay Tuned.

Since Today is August 2 (and Wednesday), I may cheat and call this 'State of' my monthly piece for August.

We'll see.


Ace Masters