Sunday, July 7, 2019

Burning Mind Review: Sea Of Stars #1

As PROMISED The Burning Mind is back and returns with my thoughts on:

Sea of Stars #1


Writers: Jason Aaron & Dennis Hallum

Artist: Stephen Green

Colorist: Rico Renzi

Letters & Design: Jared K Fletcher

Editor: Will Dennis

If nothing else Sea of Stars is another in Image’s long and deep line of sci-fi/space fantasy, with what feels like an ‘80’s style vibe to them. I love that. It feels like a story that could have produced by Charles Band or Roger Corman once-upon-a-time.

That I love.

Sea of Stars is about a long-haul Space Trucker and his acting-out young, misses his mother son who get separated when their ship is torn apart by an unknown, giant space creature and the father is swallowed whole!

Yes, you read that right!

Somehow the son gains the ability to breathe and survive in open space, while the father – having somehow survived being swallowed – begins a desperate search for his son.

I’m going to get right to my favorite thing about Sea of Stars – the #$% $#%^ awesome coloring. Yes, the best thing in this title is Rico Renzi’s coloring – and that is saying a lot because the art and inks are top notch too. But the coloring puts this issue over for me.

The issue is fast-paced, full of emotion, rife with danger, a few weird moments and even a what-the (???) reveal. Renzi’s coloring follows through on every story point and showcases what the characters feel in his coloring, and makes the already stellar art come alive even more.

Stephen Green delivers with excellent art that really lays out the story and showcases its intensity right off the bat. Yet, even when the story gets intense and action packed, Green’s art is clear and easy to follow.

If there is any part of this issue that lags it’s the story. It does what it needs to, to get the story going and set up what is to come. The structure of the issue is good, dialog is nice and there is – thank you – a sense of urgency when things go wrong.

The problem is, it feels sorta been-there-done-that. There is the twist that somehow Kayden, the young son, finds he can survive in space, so that needs to be where the story has to go.

Over all this is a solid first issue and very fast paced start to Sea of Stars, and I love the urgency ingrained in the story, even if it does follow the motions somewhat. A sense of urgency is what is missing from most stories now days, so that is welcome.

Of course I have to mention the coloring again. Rico Renzi’s coloring rocks Sea of Stars.


As I wrote this my thoughts on Sea of Stars actually improved. I don’t think Sea of Stars #1 is quite required reading, but I think it’s a title people need to check out. In the end it stayed with me more than I thought.


Monday, June 17, 2019


The Blogs Are Back!

Starting Monday, July 1st with WrestleMentary!

When I originally announced this current Blog Hiatus, I said ALL my Blogs would return starting July 1st with WrestleMentary. Then, a few weeks later I mentioned pushing that return back to my Birthday, July 27th. Well, I’m changing that again and going back to the original plan: July 1st

As of Monday, July 1st the Blogs will return from Hiatus starting with Wrestlementary.

From there all the Blogs (except Wrestlementary) will return on the originally planned 2019 Monthly Schedule.

  • Wednesday, 7/3 – THE BURNING MIND
  • Thursday, 7/11 – THIS IS A TRUE STORY
  • Friday, 7/19 – WHAT I WATCH I REVIEW
  • Sunday, 7/28 – RAW FLESH
  • Wednesday, 7/31 – STATE OF THE MASTER

There is no set posting schedule for Wrestlementary as their will be more than one monthly post. So the schedule will be more random. There will however be regular WWE Coverage focused around the time of PPVs or the dreaded “Super Shows.”

As for the rest of the year, the Blogs should follow the following schedule. Though, there may be times I post a little more often.


  • 1ST Wednesday of each Month – THE BURNING MIND
  • 2ND Thursday of each Month – THIS IS A TRUE STORY
  • 3RD Friday of each Month – WHAT I WATCH I REVIEW
  • 4TH Sunday of each Month – RAW FLESH
  • Last Day of each Month – STATE OF THE MASTER
  • WrestleMentary: Random Posts

See you July 1st,

 - Ace

Monday, May 6, 2019

The State of the Blogs May 2019

Okay, this State Of is going out across all my Blogs. It’s a companion piece to my State of the Master.

I am far behind on all my Blogs because of my shoulder, and at times – I must admit – myself allowing my shoulder issues to stop me.

I started this year with great plans, but didn’t . . .

As I wrote in my State of the Master Blog, effective immediately I’m in going into Focus Mode and Catch Up Mode. I have to do this.

Originally, the plan was to officially suspend until July 1st. But that has changed due to an emergency.
My dog, Zoie, had to undergo emergency surgery to be spade (which was never done) and remove a breast growth. She is recovering now, and we have found out the tumor was a low-grade cancer, but it has all been removed.

This was very stressful on her, me and Mom. So I put everything to the side to take care of the little girl. She is doing fine right now and gets her cone and stitches removed Monday, May 13th. I could do no less for Zoie as she is the one who got my mom the day I collapse in the back yard from the Aneurysm, if not for her I may have died. 

That said, I am now suspending the Blogs until their return on my Birthday: Sunday, July 27th. The day the Blogs will return with RAW FLESH . . . and move forward from there.

As originally stated I will try and post on the original 2019 schedule from that point on AND post on a Catch Up Schedule, posting all the stuff from this year that hasn’t been posted.

Yes, I will be writing, editing and prepping all the Blog Posts I have missed up to that point.

I’ll also be getting caught up on projects this year that I have gotten behind on.

This is the LAST Time I will be doing this and suspending the Blogs. It’s something I have to do, for myself and to move forward.


Ace Masters.

Friday, January 18, 2019


PUBLISHED 1/16/2019





Welcome to Outpost Zero, the smallest town in the universe. The people there work the land, go to the fights every Friday night, and tuck their children into bed-but the Outpost is no place for dreams or aspirations. To survive is ambitious enough. As Alea and her friends graduate to adulthood on a frozen world never meant to support human life, something stirs. Something sees… Explore the mysteries and wonder of the Frost . . .

That is the official write-up for OUTPOST ZERO, the series itself and issue one.

Though, to be honest, they left out of few key words:
Absolutely Engaging, Fantastic
Requiring Read!

Hey, I just started off this piece with what should be my final thoughts. But that’s okay. I wanted to get it out of the way first that this is a title that everyone should be reading.

There are three key reasons everyone in comicdom should be reading this title:

The art of ALEXANDRE TEFENKGI may not be as stunning as some people may be used to for Image – but stunning artwork that blows one away is often misleading and flat. It often focuses on the art over the script and fails to connect.

Tefenkgi doesn’t fail to connect – if anything it feels like reconnecting with an older style that values the story and characters over the flash. That is the greatest strength of his art: It connects us to the story, and the characters.

As with any good art it layouts of the story and the characters have distinct looks – but this art goes a little deeper. Tefenkgi doesn’t just make his characters look different and distinct, he makes them feel different.

He has truly found a way not just to show us what the characters look like and how they act, but to also bear a bit of their soul, with the subtle bits that reveal who we all are.

Can we get SEAN McKEEVER another Eisner, please!

Seriously, his writing on this is ridiculously good. Somehow he has taken a premise that could, and rightfully should, have worn thin by issue six, and somehow it still feels fresh.

Outpost Zero is a science-fiction, coming-of-age, conspiracy theory, survival against all odds story about the decedents of a crashed Gen-Ship surviving on an Ice World, with only a dome to protect them. It is a world where everyone must do their role, or no one survives.

As a giant ice storm hits – Steven – one of three close teen friends leaves the dome and goes into the storm, leaving behind his friends, and an outsider he was close with, to wonder why? A why that may lead them to a place better left alone.

In truth, you can forgot everything in those last two paragraphs, and Image’s official write-up. Why? Because there is one thing that will keep you coming back each issue: The Characters.

McKeever does what any good writer should do, and what any good story should be about – The Characters over everything. Outpost Zero is not about the events that happened – it’s about how the events affect and shape the characters.

Characters that once you read this series, will be the reason you come back. You will not just want to learn what they learn on their journey – you’ll want to learn who they are as well.

Hell, in Issues five and six we learn something new about a character never specifically revealed before, but makes perfect sense for him.

This is the third reason to read this title! To keep the sales up to a level that will keep this series going!

Outpost Zero is the best kind of comic possible – of any genre.


RATING: 8.75

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Burning Mind Review - Turok #1







Thank You, Ron Marz, Roberto Castro and team.

I am a big Turok, Son of Stone fan. Not just going back to the original Valiant Comics, but going all the way back to the original Gold Key Series my father got me into through back issues when I was young (early 80’s).

I say Thank You for these simple facts:

1. Turok is finally set in his proper time.

2. Even though we only get a glimpse of Honkers – this first issue feels like the Turok of old.

3. With all the different incarnations of Turok in the 21st Century, I feel this is the best since the early Valiant run. Even if it is only the first issue.

Across the board I find this issue to be strong, well-written, well-paced and excellently drawn.

In this issue we are dropped right into the middle of Andar, Turok’s brother, in custody of US Soldiers – whose Captain is Hell-Bent on capturing Turok. So much so that he proclaims that he would follow them to the “Gates of Hell.” (Careful there.)

It is Turok’s rescue of Andar and their fleeing from the soldiers that leads to them discover a portal – a doorway to The Lost Land (and HONKERS)!

This is an alternate take on the original origin – in which Turok and Andar stumbled across the Last Land while hunting.

This adds a new dimension to the Turok mythos – perhaps. Now Turok and Andar have an enemy from their own world to deal with, bringing added danger to the Lost Land and honkers they will eventually have conflict with.

A very pleasing first issue that does its jobs – reintroduces a familiar set of characters and premise, with a new twist and sets the stage for what is to come.

Ron Marz’s script is strong and set things up nicely.

Roberto Castro’s art is excellent as always, bolstered by stronger color from Salvatore Aiala.

This feels like the Turok I once fell in love with, and haven’t seen in a long time.


Required reading for Turok Fans.

Everyone else, check it out too.

Saturday, January 5, 2019







Conan is BACK!

Not that he ever really went anywhere, but his wandering ways? for the last 15 years took him to the far reaches of the Land of Dark Horse. Now though, his Warrior ways have brought him back to the Universe of Marvel.

He prospered well in the Land of Dark Horse, so is his return to Marvel a path best left untread?


Maybe so, as Jason Aaron and gang have promised us a Tale of The LIFE and DEATH of our Cimmerian Legend.

And they strive to deliver as this story literally starts with Conan’s Birth!

Conan himself is a very blunt, straight-forward, honest speaking person with a take-life-by-the-horns personality.

This first Story Arc has much in common with Conan – It’s tell you what story it is going to give you, then grabs you by the throat and drags you straight into said story. You won’t even noticed the story is choking the life out of you until the very last panel, when you may shed some tears and realize this just might actually be the tale of the Life and DEATH of Conan.

While for us, the reader, we may be witnessing the triumphant return to Marvel, Conan may wish he stayed at the land Dark Horse a little longer.

Issue #1 hits all the right notes with Conan – The Character of Conan himself is right – at each stage of his life he is shown – The Artwork has the right edginess and grittiness that a Conan story needs, and the colors emerges us into the dark world Conan inhabits.

Mahmud Asrar’s art and Matthew Wilson’s colors combined to give Conan and great look and feel – embodying the age Conan lived in. This isn’t a slick, pretty looking book, nor should it be. A Conan story should find beauty in brutality – and this art does just that.

Jason Aaron’s script is dead on: Conan just doesn’t look right – thanks to Mahmud Asrar – but he feels right, and this feel like a Conan story – warts and clichés all in.

The script is damn good, the artwork just as brutally good, making this a Marvelous return.

The best thing about this first issue is that we don’t just get Conan The Barbarian – we get CONAN THE KING as well.

We see Conan at two important stages of his life – the young Wild Barbarian and the Older Wiser King-by-his-own-hand. Aaron handles this well, it is the same Conan, but in his writing of The King, he subtly shows us the difference between the Barbarian and the King – and the similarities.

But don’t stop with The LIFE and DEATH of Conan! No. Keeping turning the pages, dear reader. After the art ends, another tale begins. The first part of BLACK STARLIGHT, by John C. Hocking, a Novella in twelve parts. Make sure to read this, it is right on par with The LIFE and DEATH of Conan. The shining part of this story it that it showcases the oft overlooked intelligence of Conan.

Final Thoughts:

MARVEL fans rejoice, Conan’s wandering has brought him back to the Universe.

Conan fans rejoice – he is in Beautifully Brutal hands.



Thursday, January 3, 2019

The State of the Burning Mind for 2019!

Okay, alright. I messed up and failed to get this up yesterday, so here it is now!

I think it’s good to get this first miss of the year out of the way. Think it is as an IMAGE schedule!

So, here it is (still written for yesterday’s date, I didn’t change that.)

Today is Wednesday, January 2nd of 2019. Yesterday came the launch of an entirely New Year, and with this second day of this New Year comes the full force relaunch of The Burning Mind. This isn’t like previous relaunches where I ended up behind and relaunched to get caught up.

This is a complete relaunch of the Burning Mind from scratch.

With this relaunch some info must be given and questions you have must be answered: Most importantly, What is the Burning Mind and What Will I Write About?

The Burning Mind was originally a bi-weekly column at Comics Bulletin ( where I wrote my thoughts, opinions and rants on the comics industry. I also did a series of ‘How to Articles.’ For reasons that are not worth mentioning, the column ended after a few years in 2012.

In 2014 I resurrected the column as a Blog. I continued writing about comics with the same fever I did when writing for Comics Bulletin. But was never able to get into a set schedule after a medical issue. In August of 2018, I put it into Hiatus, with the plan being to get things straight and relaunch from Scratch in 2019.

And Here it is!


When originally resurrected as this Blog the plan was to do Weekly Comic Book Reviews of titles from my Pull List, and bi-weekly Articles, Opinions and Rants, unfortunately it didn’t always go that way. Combine getting taken down by a medical issue weeks after the launch of the Blog in 2014, and trying to write other Blogs as well (and other projects), I never really got on track.

As of today, I am given this one more shot, starting this (and my other Blogs) over with the start of the New Year.

As of today, Wednesday, January 2, 2019 the plans is this:

1 Monthly Blog Post on the First Wednesday of Each Month.

A Minimum of 1 Post Per month for 12 minimum for the year. That is the plan as of this moment, with subjects ranging from How To, General Opinion, Censorship, Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, Comic Book Movie Reviews and even chronicling the creation of comic book titles I am working on. Of course there will be my trademark rants as well.

I WILL get the monthly pieces done, and hope to get even more posted.

Weekly (Mostly Indie) Comic Book Reviews posted each Saturday.

There is no doubt I will get this done weekly, as it is often a pleasure to write these, even reviews of the titles I don’t like. So, expect this weekly.

These will be reviews of a title released THAT Wednesday. As it has been before, it will continue to be mostly Indie Titles that I will review.

Also, except to see the return of Flash Reviews, which are quick 300-words or less thoughts on titles, written and/posted on no set schedule. These can be any title, from any time.

So, in summary, Burning Mind is my blog where I, Ace Masters, will share my passion and love of comics in, at a minimum, monthly blog posts and weekly comic book reviews.

Who Is Ace Masters and What Have I Done?
Ace Masters is I. Writer, Publisher, Poet, Indie Filmmaker, Comic Book Creator, Actor and all-around lover of almost everything Comic Books. That love of Comics has driven this blog in the past and will do so well into the future. In fact it drives a large portion of my life.

I have written and published comic books in the past (Masterpiece Comics). I have also written for any number of small press companies and still trying to make the big boys take notice. I have a few hundred short story credits to my name, have written and directed a number of short films, starred in many more and have had plays produced.

I’ve even won a few awards along the way!

What I Will Write About?

Simple Answer: The Love of Comics

Complex Answer: The Love of Comics

I will write about anything that has to do with comics. Anything. The Creation of Comics, how people view comics, the care of your comic book collection, the business side of comics, the so-called controversial side of comics, and Comic Book Reviews!

I may even return to my one time series of ‘The Art of the Business of Comics’ series started many years ago, and never finished.

Why You Should Care?

A shared love of comics. If you’re here, you either love comics too, or are interested in this greatest medium of them all.

Passion. Passion is why you should care. Passion is what drives me to write, and what I will instill into every piece.

What Do I Want From You?

Oh yes, I want something from you. Something very precious: A little bit of your time and a little bit of your thoughts.

First, I want you to read The Burning Mind.

But . . . I don’t just want you to read this blog, but interact as well. I want comments and thoughts. I want you to tell me what you think of my posts and about comics in general. There’s a comment section, use it!

I also welcome any suggestions for ideas for future posts! Yep, I may write a piece based on your ideas – in which I will give you credit.

Who knows, if you have a really good idea, I may ask you to guess write the Blog!

Indie Creators! Want You Comics Reviewed?!

Indie Comic Creators, if you want your comic reviewed here on The Burning Mind, just let me know! Contact me directly at I’ll accept hardcopy or digital for review.

In the past, I had a tradition of ending my articles by asking a question, which always led into the next article . . . in this case blog . . . so here it is, the Burning Question:

What do you think when you think Comics?

Until Next Time,

Ace Masters