Publisher: Titan
Writer: George Mann
Artist: Emma Vieceli
Titan Comics is quickly becoming one of my favorite publishers, putting out not only good Doctor Who titles, but good titles period (Sally of the Wasteland, Death Sentence).
When I read about the Eighth Doctor series, I was happy I would get to see more tales of the Paul McGann Doctor.
The series is written by George Mann, with art by Emma Vieceli.
I found this series to be average at best, unfortunately. The best part of this five issue series is that each issue was a self-contained tale that was a piece of a larger whole. Even missing an issue, may not affect the overall enjoyment or understanding of the series.
However, while the script was solid, characters good and no major issues, I just didn’t feel the stories were that strong. They just seemed to fall flat.
The series also followed one point of the ‘modern’ Doctor Who series that I don’t like. It makes the companion seem like the main character and the Doctor seem secondary.
I wasn’t a huge fan of the art for this series. It just seemed a little soft to me and too reliant on the inks. That said, the best thing about the art was that I felt it improved from issue 1 to issue 5.
Overall, an average title I felt didn’t quite deliver.