Thursday, January 3, 2019

The State of the Burning Mind for 2019!

Okay, alright. I messed up and failed to get this up yesterday, so here it is now!

I think it’s good to get this first miss of the year out of the way. Think it is as an IMAGE schedule!

So, here it is (still written for yesterday’s date, I didn’t change that.)

Today is Wednesday, January 2nd of 2019. Yesterday came the launch of an entirely New Year, and with this second day of this New Year comes the full force relaunch of The Burning Mind. This isn’t like previous relaunches where I ended up behind and relaunched to get caught up.

This is a complete relaunch of the Burning Mind from scratch.

With this relaunch some info must be given and questions you have must be answered: Most importantly, What is the Burning Mind and What Will I Write About?

The Burning Mind was originally a bi-weekly column at Comics Bulletin ( where I wrote my thoughts, opinions and rants on the comics industry. I also did a series of ‘How to Articles.’ For reasons that are not worth mentioning, the column ended after a few years in 2012.

In 2014 I resurrected the column as a Blog. I continued writing about comics with the same fever I did when writing for Comics Bulletin. But was never able to get into a set schedule after a medical issue. In August of 2018, I put it into Hiatus, with the plan being to get things straight and relaunch from Scratch in 2019.

And Here it is!


When originally resurrected as this Blog the plan was to do Weekly Comic Book Reviews of titles from my Pull List, and bi-weekly Articles, Opinions and Rants, unfortunately it didn’t always go that way. Combine getting taken down by a medical issue weeks after the launch of the Blog in 2014, and trying to write other Blogs as well (and other projects), I never really got on track.

As of today, I am given this one more shot, starting this (and my other Blogs) over with the start of the New Year.

As of today, Wednesday, January 2, 2019 the plans is this:

1 Monthly Blog Post on the First Wednesday of Each Month.

A Minimum of 1 Post Per month for 12 minimum for the year. That is the plan as of this moment, with subjects ranging from How To, General Opinion, Censorship, Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, Comic Book Movie Reviews and even chronicling the creation of comic book titles I am working on. Of course there will be my trademark rants as well.

I WILL get the monthly pieces done, and hope to get even more posted.

Weekly (Mostly Indie) Comic Book Reviews posted each Saturday.

There is no doubt I will get this done weekly, as it is often a pleasure to write these, even reviews of the titles I don’t like. So, expect this weekly.

These will be reviews of a title released THAT Wednesday. As it has been before, it will continue to be mostly Indie Titles that I will review.

Also, except to see the return of Flash Reviews, which are quick 300-words or less thoughts on titles, written and/posted on no set schedule. These can be any title, from any time.

So, in summary, Burning Mind is my blog where I, Ace Masters, will share my passion and love of comics in, at a minimum, monthly blog posts and weekly comic book reviews.

Who Is Ace Masters and What Have I Done?
Ace Masters is I. Writer, Publisher, Poet, Indie Filmmaker, Comic Book Creator, Actor and all-around lover of almost everything Comic Books. That love of Comics has driven this blog in the past and will do so well into the future. In fact it drives a large portion of my life.

I have written and published comic books in the past (Masterpiece Comics). I have also written for any number of small press companies and still trying to make the big boys take notice. I have a few hundred short story credits to my name, have written and directed a number of short films, starred in many more and have had plays produced.

I’ve even won a few awards along the way!

What I Will Write About?

Simple Answer: The Love of Comics

Complex Answer: The Love of Comics

I will write about anything that has to do with comics. Anything. The Creation of Comics, how people view comics, the care of your comic book collection, the business side of comics, the so-called controversial side of comics, and Comic Book Reviews!

I may even return to my one time series of ‘The Art of the Business of Comics’ series started many years ago, and never finished.

Why You Should Care?

A shared love of comics. If you’re here, you either love comics too, or are interested in this greatest medium of them all.

Passion. Passion is why you should care. Passion is what drives me to write, and what I will instill into every piece.

What Do I Want From You?

Oh yes, I want something from you. Something very precious: A little bit of your time and a little bit of your thoughts.

First, I want you to read The Burning Mind.

But . . . I don’t just want you to read this blog, but interact as well. I want comments and thoughts. I want you to tell me what you think of my posts and about comics in general. There’s a comment section, use it!

I also welcome any suggestions for ideas for future posts! Yep, I may write a piece based on your ideas – in which I will give you credit.

Who knows, if you have a really good idea, I may ask you to guess write the Blog!

Indie Creators! Want You Comics Reviewed?!

Indie Comic Creators, if you want your comic reviewed here on The Burning Mind, just let me know! Contact me directly at I’ll accept hardcopy or digital for review.

In the past, I had a tradition of ending my articles by asking a question, which always led into the next article . . . in this case blog . . . so here it is, the Burning Question:

What do you think when you think Comics?

Until Next Time,

Ace Masters

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